pool pump rebate 500.00
Jonathan's Pool Service
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The Los Angeles DWP is offering 500.00 rebate on energy saving,QUIET pumps on residential and multi family dwellings
The pump above is the 3 HP Aquastar PLP300S which is the "smart" model that is WIFI enabled to work with an app. These can be installed for 2000.00-2100.00 including labor tax parts (and you get 500.00 rebate) and also hooked up to automation for additional charge (150-200) they also have non WIFI or less HP pumps available for less. 3 year factory warranty.
UPDATE 11/22/2022 : the intelliflo pumps below are only available for rebate until September 2023 not sure when my wholesale distributors will have in stock but willing to install for 500.00 rebate if you purchase your own pump.

The Best: Intelliflo 011056 above and Intellipro 013004 3 HP below with 3 year warranty. The black Intellipro is easier to clean the impeller vanes (if you get debris that gets thru skimmer basket) and comes with built in unions (the threaded connections on white Intelliflo can be a source of leaks) BUT the Intelliflo is more efficient (10 GPM more at given speeds) ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: these pumps are far and above the best of the lot due to the sophisicated software which lets you know things like flow rate (GPM),alerts you when you are over the velocity for what the plumbing can handle,shuts pump off if it does not catch prime (low water level or restriction) and more. WELL worth the price premium.

The two pumps above also have control interface that can be mounted up to 20 feet away from pump via a cable.
The pump below is the Intelliflo3 which does not have an interface to program the pump - instead it is controlled through automation or a smart phone app....it has a 3 HP motor as opposed to the Inteliflo pumps above which have a 3.95 HP motor although both pumps are rated at 3 HP.
However the Intelliflo3 is more expensive for some reason (shrinkflation?)
The Pentair 342001 above can work on 115 or 230 voltage and is capable of pumping out 30 GPM more than pump below but the Hayward Maxpro SP23510VSP or SP23520VSP below is more efficient and has a longer warranty (3 years) and the ability to install keypad control remotely for about 5-30 bucks more (depending on voltage)
Update 3/10/22: The new model, 342002,is now a permanent magnet motor and pump now comes with 2 year warranty
The pump below has a slightly higher flow rate than the Superflo above but has the warranty and efficiency of the Maxflo and can be installed for less than either of the above. I do not think the software and controls are as good as the Superflo or Maxflo but the flow rate,efficiency,warranty, and price make it an attractive option.
(Update 9/25/19): I have found one potential flaw with this pump - you cannot buy the drive for the motor as a seperate item if you have a problem with it after the warranty period....on the other pumps such as Pentair and Tristar the drive IS available as a separate item
Waterway pumps also come with extra goodies such as the swiveling union above and three stand extensions below to make lining up plumbing connections very easy.
Below is the new Waterway PD-140, a 1.4 HP pump good for small pools or pools that do nor require a large flow rate it can be hooked up with 115 or 230 volts and is a permanent magnet motor with 2 year warranty that can be installed for 1150.00 -1250.00
The Hayward Tristar 1.5 HP is perfect for commercial or multi-family dwelling units in Los Angeles County because the Los Angeles Health Dept. will not allow the 3 HP capable pumps UNLESS plumbing diamter is 2.5" or more AND commercial pools still qualify for 500.00 LADWP rebate!

Hayward is offering a "mini controller" you can use with your home wifi via computer,smartphone,or a stand alone controller that comes with a variable speed pump as shown below...the control would allow you to turn on your spa via smartphone so it is hot and ready when you get home from a hard days work.This system is approximately 1/2 the cost of a traditional control system and will control 4 pieces of equipment and turn the valves automatically for spa. All equipment except valve acuators come with unprecedented 3 year warranty and the top of line Tristar pump has 4 year warranty. The price installed is between 2300.00 and 3000.00 depending on model of pump and options and of course you get 500.00 rebate on top of that
One nice thing about the pump above: you can install the control remotely with cable.The control below is to a Jandy Pump.The Pentair Intelliflo now comes with this feature
Below is new replacement for controller above. Its called Speedset and fits retroactively on all Jandy variable speed pumps
I would like to add that you SHOULD also invest in an efficient weir flap and directional returns to improve flow and turnover AND you SHOULD make sure pump is connected to GFIC breaker. (New Code) for additional cost.
You do not have to do these things for rebate but they are advisable for safety and energy savings
Also I can install a flowmeter as shown below to so you can be sure of turnover rate: